The main characters in the film are all a gang of friends in the story. they are presented as if they are being chased as in the background there are hundreds of gangs hostile or allied. the actors on the front page are known from the directors other films, for example: Adam Deacon from Kidulthood and Michael Socha who's in This is England. Also Ashley Bashy Thomas who starred in in June 2010- he is also a famous underground grime artist. The film stars in this film give away what the film genre is about, they are presented physically and violently, the freeze frame of the characters on the poster shows the film is adrenaline packed and intense.
The poster design gives a sense of anarchy, and judging by the sub-title its in the future and the world we knew is changed for worse by everyday issues we endure, such as crime and economic downfalls. Shank is an action / sci-fi and jam-packed with explosives, knives, guns and chase scenes. The abstract imagery in the background of the poster gives you ideas on how rundown and scummy the locations are in the film, this excites viewers into thinking it will be a hard film.
The colour scheme for this poster is dark and dreary, black and white imagery and blood red title to stand out. the darks colours such as grey and black give reference to run down urban background, dark, and unsafe streets. The intense red symbolizes blood and murder, which is exactly what the film evolves around.
The title text is very easy to read, its bold and bright in comparison to the abstract background. The letter 'A' in the title has the shape of a knife holding male, perhaps the main characters arch enemy.