BBC iPlayer
- Info: BBC iPlayer, commonly shortened to iPlayer, is an internet television and radio service, developed by the BBC to extend its former Realplayer-based and other streamed video clip The site tagline is "Catch up on the last 7 days of BBC TV & Radio"
- The instution which owns BBC iPlayer is the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). It's the main public service broadcaster in the UK and employs approximately 23,000 staff. The BBC output is funded by the TV license the fee for which is decided by the government.
- The mission of the BBC is to enrich people's lives with programmes and services that inform, educate and entertain. The purpose of BBC iPlayer is a service that allows you to watch or listen to BBC Content on the internet or, if your device permits, download BBC Content. The target audience of iplayer is extremely wide as the content appeals to a large audience from people wanting to watch factual and educational programmes to high quality drama
- Anyone that has access the internet is able to watch output from BBC iplayer for free.
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